READ Courses

Opposite each course title are three numbers such as 3-2-4. The first number indicates the number of regular classroom hours for the course each week; the second number indicates the number of laboratory hours per week; and the third number indicates the hours of credit awarded for the successful completion of the course. Listed in parentheses at the end of each course description is the term(s) that the course is normally offered. F=Fall, S=Spring, and M=Summer.

The college reserves the right to cancel or delete any course with insufficient enrollment.


READ 3251. Children's Literature. 2-2-3 Units.

Surveys past and current literature available for use with the young child as well as the role literature should play in early literacy development.(M)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3287 with a grade of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.

READ 3260. Learning to Read. 3-1-3 Units.

Provides a brief overview of the history of reading and writing. Introduces skills, approaches, materials, and methods of reading instruction for children in grades K-2. Provides undergraduate students with knowledge and skills to administer formal and informal assessments in areas of weakness in letter and sound recognition, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, oral and verbal comprehension.
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, EDUC 3285, and EDUC 3287, all with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3286, EDUC 4261, EDUC 4263, and ESOL 4240.

READ 3456. Reading across Curric Sec Educ. 2-2-3 Units.

Includes an examination of content literacy - the ability to use reading, writing, talking, listening, and viewing processes to learn subject matter across the curriculum. Covers content assessment, responsiveness to literacy needs, linguistic and cultural differences, research-based best practices, and learning with electronic texts.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120, and EDUC 3274, with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4953 and Secondary Education Content Area Specific Internship.

READ 4260. Reading to Learn 3-5. 3-0-3 Units.

Provides and introduces skills, approaches, materials and methods of structured reading for children in grades 3-5. Provides undergraduate students with knowledge and skills to administer formal and informal assessments in determining children’s strengths and weaknesses in areas such as word recognition, vocabulary, reading and writing fluency and reading and writing comprehension. Specific reading strategies such as comparing/contrasting, inferences, predicting, finding the main idea and supporting details are covered in this course. Requires undergraduate students to analyze test results and prescribe reading strategies to help children advance through the reading process.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of ESOL 4240, EDUC 4263, EDUC 4261, EDUC 3286, and READ 3260, all with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4251, EDUC 4262, EDUC 4284, and ESOL 4241.