EDUC Courses

Opposite each course title are three numbers such as 3-2-4. The first number indicates the number of regular classroom hours for the course each week; the second number indicates the number of laboratory hours per week; and the third number indicates the hours of credit awarded for the successful completion of the course. Listed in parentheses at the end of each course description is the term(s) that the course is normally offered. F=Fall, S=Spring, and M=Summer.

The college reserves the right to cancel or delete any course with insufficient enrollment.


EDUC 2110. Investig Critical/Contem Issue. 3-0-3 Units.

This course engages students in observations, interactions, and analysis of critical and contemporary educational issues. Students will investigate issues influencing the social and political contexts of educational settings in Georgia and the United States. Students will actively examine the teaching profession from multiple vantage points both within and outside the school. Against this backdrop, students will reflect on and interpret the meaning of education and schooling in a diverse culture and examine the moral and ethical responsibilities of teaching in a democracy.Requires 10 Hours Field Experierences.(F,S, M)
Prerequisites: ENGL 1102 with grade of C or better; current certified background check; mandated reporter training; proof of liability insurance, and pass an Ethics Assessment (See School of Education website for more details).

EDUC 2120. Expl Socio-Cultural Perspect. 3-0-3 Units.

Equips future teachers with the fundamental knowledge to understand culture and to teach children from the diverse backgrounds, given rapidly changing modern demographics. Examines 1) the nature and function of culture; 2) the development of individual and group cultural identity; 3) definitions and implications of diversity, and, 4) the influences of culture on learning, development, and pedagogy. Requires10 Hours Field Experiences.(F,S, M)
Prerequisites: ENGL 1102 with grade of C or better; current certified background check; mandated reporter training; proof of liability insurance, and pass an Ethics Assessment (See School of Education website for more details).

EDUC 2130. Exploring Learning/Teaching. 3-0-3 Units.

Explores key aspects of learning and teaching through examining the teacher candidate's own and others' learning processes, to enhance student learning in a variety of educational settings and contexts. Requires 10 Hours Field Experiences.(F,S)
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101, ENGL 1102, all with a grade of C or above; current certified background check; mandated reporter training, proof of liability insurance and pass an Ethics Assessment (See School of Education website for more details).

EDUC 2140. Topics in Education. 3-0-3 Units.

This course engages students in observations, interactions, and analyses of teacher study on educational topics in educational settings. Students will investigate topics influencing teacher identity development and teaching and learning through teacher self-study research. By actively engaging in analyzing and developing themselves as a person and a professional, course participants will be able to gain insights in effective teaching in the teaching career pathway. Requires 10 Field Hours.(F,S, M)
Prerequisites: Completion of ENGL 1101 and PSYC 1101 with a grade of “C” or better; current certified background check, mandated reporter training, proof of liability insurance, Field of Study Ethics Assessment.

EDUC 2150. Topics in Education. 3-0-3 Units.

This course engages students in observations, interactions, and analyses of teacher study on educational topics in educational settings. Students will investigate topics influencing teacher identity development and teaching and learning through teacher self-study research. By actively engaging in analyzing and developing themselves as a person and a professional, course participants will be able to gain insights in effective teaching in the teaching career pathway. Requires 10 Hours Field Experierences.(F,S, M)
Prerequisites: Completion of ENGL 1101 and PSYC 1101 with a grade of “C” or better; current certified background check, mandated reporter training, proof of liability insurance, Field of Study Ethics Assessment.

EDUC 2262. Exploring Elementary Science. 3-0-3 Units.

EDUC 3050. Classroom Managment I. 1-0-1 Unit.

EDUC 3051. Classroom Management II. 1-0-1 Unit.

EDUC 3052. Classroom Management III. 1-0-1 Unit.

EDUC 3101. Teaching Diverse Learners(ECE). 3-0-3 Units.

Provides the necessary knowledge to identify characteristics of diverse learners, students with special needs, and students at risk. Introduces necessary tools and strategies to promote successful student achievement by developing effective learning environments for all students. Presents legal issues, current laws governing students with exceptionalities, and techniques to accommodate individual differences in the classroom.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to the Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, EDUC 3285, EDUC 3287.

EDUC 3120. Teaching Diverse Learners(Sec). 3-0-3 Units.

Provides the necessary knowledge to identify characteristics of diverse learners,students with special needs, and students at risk. Introduces necessary tools and strategies to promote successful student achievement by developing effective learning environments for all students. Presents legal issues, current laws governing students with exceptionalities, and techniques to accommodate individual differences in the classroom.(F)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 4901 and EDUC 3273, with a grade of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3274.

EDUC 3214. Expl Act in PE, Art & Music. 3-0-3 Units.

Surveys introductory methods and activities to teach fundamental skills in physical education, art, and music in the early childhood/elementary curriculum.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; Completion of EDUC 4251, EDUC 4262, EDUC 4284, ESOL 4241, READ 4251, and READ 3251, all with a grade of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4286 and EDUC 4289.

EDUC 3260. Princ&Methods:Assess/Tch Math. 3-0-3 Units.

Investigates mathematics education content, methods, and materials appropriate for the cognitive development of the P-2 child. Overviews development of acquisition of mathematical concepts and examines the assessment/ correction process as needed for grades P-2. Teaches strategies appropriate to all children including regular education students and those with learning difficulties, ELL learners, and gifted learners. Introduces conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, mathematical reasoning, and/or problem solving skills. Requires application of content knowledge, methods, and materials during real-world teaching experiences within grades P-2. Examines current research on teaching strategies and the assessment /correction process during the field experience. Emphasis will be placed on developmentally appropriate practices and various content area integration within mathematics.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, and EDUC 3287, all with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3286, EDUC 4261, ESOL 4240, and READ 3262.

EDUC 3263. Teach Cont & Proc:Lang Arts Ed. 2-2-3 Units.

Studies the nature of language, language acquisition, and the development of the language arts curriculum for early childhood/elementary settings.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3101, EDUC 3271, EDUC 3285, and EDUC 3287.

EDUC 3271. Classroom Management. 2-2-3 Units.

Examines theoretical constructs of classroom management for children in PreK through fifth grades. Develops skills during a field-based experience to manage children, resources, instruction, curriculum, and facilities to provide effective and meaningful learning.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3285, and EDUC 3287.

EDUC 3272. Class Mgmt Sec Ed Field Exp I. 2-0-2 Units.

Focuses on the development of management techniques and teaching skills for secondary teacher candidates. Includes observations and models in management used in the education and guidance of secondary students. Includes a minimum of 133 hours in field experiences in secondary settings. A practicum fee will be charged.(F)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to Secondary Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3902.

EDUC 3273. Class Mgmt Sec Ed Field Exp II. 2-0-2 Units.

Focuses on the development of management techniques and teaching skills for secondary teacher candidates. Includes observations and models in management used in the education and guidance of secondary students. Includes a minimum of 133 hours in field experiences in secondary settings. A practicum fee will be charged. (S) Corequisite: EDUC 4901
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3272 and EDUC 3902, with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4901

EDUC 3274. Class Mgm Sec Ed Field Exp III. 2-0-2 Units.

Focuses on the development of management techniques and teaching skills for secondary teacher candidates. Includes observations and models in management used in the education and guidance of secondary students. Includes a minimum of 133 hours in field experiences in secondary settings. A practicum fee will be charged.(F)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 4901 and EDUC 3273, with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3120.

EDUC 3285. Professional Sem Block I. 1-0-1 Unit.

Explores topics relevant to the preparation of teachers: Conceptual Framework; Professional Field Experiences (expectations and requirements); Development of E-Portfolio; Teacher Candidate Assessment; Lesson Plans; Professional Communication. Includes 150 hours of field experience. A practicum fee will be charge.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, and EDUC 3287.

EDUC 3286. Professional Seminar Block II. 1-0-1 Unit.

Explores topics relevant to teacher preparation: Professional Field Experiences (expectations and requirements); Development of E-Portfolio; Professional Ethics; Student Health Issues; Safety and Security Issues. Includes 133 hours of field experince. A practicum fee will be charged.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, EDUC 3285, and EDUC 3287, all with grades of C or better; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4261, EDUC 4263, ESOL 4240, and READ 3262.

EDUC 3287. Curriculum and Assessment. 3-0-3 Units.

Introduces curriculum and assessment with an emphasis on basic ideas for understanding curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. Explores ways for elementary childhood educators to implement instruction within a full range of student abilities. Examines and analyzes state standards, local curriculum documents, and published curricula. Focuses on assessment development, use, and interpretation in the classroom setting.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, and EDUC 3285.

EDUC 3902. Curric/Asses Secondary Teacher. 3-0-3 Units.

Introduces curriculum and assessment with an emphasis on basic ideas for understanding curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. Explores ways for secondary educators to implement instruction within a full range of student abilities. Examines and analyzes state standards, local curriculum documents, and published curricula. Focuses on assessment development, use, and interpretation in the classroom setting.(F)
Prerequisites: Acceptance to Teacher Education Program; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3272.

EDUC 4250. Prin&Mthd:Assess/Teach Math II. 3-0-3 Units.

Investigates mathematics education content, methods, and materials appropriate for the cognitive development of the grades 3-5 child. Overviews development of acquisition of mathematical concepts and further examines the assessment/ correction process. Teaches strategies academically appropriate to ALL children.(on level, special education, ELL learners, and gifted learners). Continues application of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, mathematical reasoning, and/or problem solving skills. Requires in case study form individual assessment and analysis of a particular child's mathematical problems, including teaching to this analysis. Examines current research on teaching strategies and the assessment /correction process during the field experience. Requires application of content knowledge, methods, and materials during field experience. This class will operate as a democratic classroom. Candidates will engage in shared decision-making and in taking responsibility for making the classroom the best it can be. Interactive discussions and problem solving will be emphasized where all ideas and contributions are explored and respected.
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; All courses from Blocks I and II; Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 4262, MATH 4713(if not taken previously), READ 4251, EDUC 4284 and ESOL 4241, (2.7 and above GPA, successful/satisfactory completion of all field placement work and documentation of current professional liability insurance and national criminal background check completed.

EDUC 4261. Teach Cont & Proc: Soc Stu Edu. 2-2-3 Units.

Examines the current content and methodology of social studies education for young learners (grades P-5). Requires design and implementation of learning experiences that incorporate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes appropriate for an elementary social studies program. Field experience required.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3101, EDUC 3263, EDUC 3271, EDUC 3285, and EDUC 3287, all with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 3286, EDUC 4263, ESOL 4240, and READ 3262.

EDUC 4262. Teach Cont & Proc: Sci Educ. 2-2-3 Units.

Examines content, methodology, skills, and materials used to teach science to children in grades P-5 by means of course discussions and assignments, field placements/assignments, and course readings. Emphasizes developmentally appropriate practices and integration with mathematics and other appropriate subject areas.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of READ 3262, EDUC 4263, EDUC 4261, EDUC 3286, and ESOL 4240, all with grades of C or above,courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4251, EDUC 4284, READ 4251, and ESOL 4241.

EDUC 4284. Professional Seminar Block III. 1-0-1 Unit.

Explores topics relevant to teacher preparation: Professional Field Experiences (expectations and requirements); Development of E-Portfolio; Parent-Community Relationships; Professional Collaboration; Legal Issues. Includes 133 hours of field experience. A practicum fee will be charged.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of READ 3262, EDUC 4263, EDUC 4261, EDUC 3286, and ESOL 4240, all with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4251, EDUC 4262, READ 4251, and ESOL 4241.

EDUC 4286. Teaching Internship. 0-18-8 Units.

Involves students in a fulltime (15-week/1 semester), supervised and directed classroom setting. Includes 550 hours of field experienc.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of READ 4251, READ 3251, EDUC 4262, EDUC 4251, EDUC4284, and ESOL 4241, all with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4289 and EDUC 3214.

EDUC 4289. Professional Seminar Block IV. 1-0-1 Unit.

Explores topics relevant to teacher preparation: Teacher Candidate Internship (student teaching) (expectations and requirements); E-Portfolio final product; Resume Writing; Professional Interviews. A practicum fee will be charged.(F,S)
Prerequisites: Completion of READ 4251, READ 3251, EDUC 4262, EDUC 4251, EDUC 4284, and ESOL 4241, all with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4286, and EDUC 3214.

EDUC 4900. Meth/Strat Teach Lib Arts Sec. 3-0-3 Units.

EDUC 4902. Meth/Strat Teach STEM Sec. 3-0-3 Units.

EDUC 4951. Internship in Sec School Math. 0-0-8 Units.

Involves a fulltime (15 weeks/ 1 semester), supervised, and directed classroom setting. Includes 550 hours of field experience.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120, and EDUC 3274 with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4953 and READ 3456.

EDUC 4952. Internship in Sec School Biol. 0-0-8 Units.

Involves a full-time (15-week/1 semester), supervised, and directed classroom setting. Includes 550 hours of field experience.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120 and EDUC 3274, with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4953 and READ 3456.

EDUC 4953. Teaching Internship Seminar. 0-0-1 Unit.

Engages interns in a critical reflection of issues, topics, materials, and skills appropriate to their professional development and teaching experience during internship. Serves as a capstone experience for satisfying program exit requirements. A practicum fee will be charges.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120 and EDUC 3274, with grades of C or above; courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: READ 3456 and Secondary Education Content Area Specific Internship.

EDUC 4954. Internship Sec School Chem. 0-0-8 Units.

Involves a full-time (15-week)/1 semester), supervised, and directed classroom setting. Includes 550 hours of field experience.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120 and EDUC 3274, with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4953 and READ 3456.

EDUC 4955. Internship in Sec School Engl. 0-0-8 Units.

Involves a full-time (15-week/1 semester), supervised, and directed classroom setting. Includes 550 hours of field experience.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120 and EDUC 3274, with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4953, READ 3456.

EDUC 4956. Internship Sec School History. 0-0-8 Units.

Involves a fulltime (15-week/1 semester), supervised, and directed classroom setting. Includes 550 hours of field experience.(S)
Prerequisites: Completion of EDUC 3120 and EDUC 3274, with grades of C or above, courses in the professional education program are not available to transient students who have not met the program requirements.
Corequisites: EDUC 4953, READ 3456.