ANTH Courses

Opposite each course title are three numbers such as 3-2-4. The first number indicates the number of regular classroom hours for the course each week; the second number indicates the number of laboratory hours per week; and the third number indicates the hours of credit awarded for the successful completion of the course. Listed in parentheses at the end of each course description is the term(s) that the course is normally offered. F=Fall, S=Spring, and M=Summer.

The college reserves the right to cancel or delete any course with insufficient enrollment.


ANTH 1102. Intro to Anthropology. 3-0-3 Units.

ANTH 1102 is an examination and analysis of what it means to be human, biologically and culturally. This comparative study of humankind draws materials from the widest possible range of peoples, cultures, and time periods to determine and explain similarities and differences among peoples of the world. This course brings the perspectives of the major sub-fields of anthropology to the study of humanity: cultural anthropology, archeology, anthropological linguistics, and biological anthropology.

ANTH 1103. Intro to Cultural Anthropology. 3-0-3 Units.

Examines various types of human society. While an introduction is provided to the four fields of anthropology--archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology--the major emphasis is placed on the study of human culture.(F)
Prerequisites: ENGL 0999 unless exempt.