Paraprofessional Concentration to B.S.Ed Elementary Education

Bachelor of Science in Education

Dalton State College provides a premier education program that is committed to preparing competent, collaborative, reflective and caring teachers who can bring diverse learners to high academic achievement and who contribute significantly to their school environments. The Teacher Education program in Elementary Education (BSED) prepares teacher education candidates to become certified in teaching children grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.

The Para to Teacher Pathway program requires the participants to be employed as paraprofessionals in a Georgia public school system. The school system and Dalton State sign a memorandum of understanding to ensure that paraprofessionals are able to retain their paraprofessional positions during the day, get field hours in the required grade bands, and enroll in evening, summer, and/or weekend courses.

Program Course Requirements

Click here to view Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements.

Program Advice (can share with CORE curriculum)
COMM 1110Fundamentals of Speech (Grade of C or better required)3
MATH 1001Quantitative Skills/Reasoning (Grades of C or better required)3
or MATH 1101 Intro to Mathematical Modeling
or MATH 1111 College Algebra
or MATH 1113 Precalculus Mathematics
PSYC 1101Introduction to Psychology (Grades of C or better are required (Social Science Elective))3
Highly Recommended for additional Social Science Elective
GEOG 1100Introduction to Geography3
or GEOG 1101 Intro to Human Geography
or GEOG 1111 Intro to Physical Geography
Highly Recommended for Technology, Mathematics, & Sciences Electives:
BIOL 1105KEnvironmental Studies4
GEOL 1121KPrinciples of Geology4
ASTR 1010Astronomy of the Solar System3-4
or ASTR 1020 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy
or BIOL 1203K Botany

 Click here to view Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements.

Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements42
NOTE: Core IMPACTS courses can also satisfy requirements in your Program of Study. Please review the requirements for your major to prevent taking extra courses. The USG Core IMPACTS curriculum is designed to ensure that students acquire essential knowledge in foundational academic areas and develop career-ready competencies. There are seven Core IMPACTS areas. Students at all USG institutions must meet the Core IMPACTS requirements in all specified areas.
Field of Study: Major Related - Required for Acceptance to the Education Program (Grades of C or better required.)
Prior to enrollment in EDUC 2110 / EDUC 2150, EDUC 2120, and EDUC 2130, students must have completed ENGL 1101 with a grade of C or better. Prior to enrollment in EDUC 2130 and EDUC 2150, students must have completed PSYC 1101 with a grade of C or better. Approved background check, proof of professional liability insurance, completion of the mandated reporter training course, and a passing score on an ethics assessment are also required.
EDUC 2110Investig Critical/Contem Issue3
or EDUC 2150 Topics in Education
EDUC 2120Expl Socio-Cultural Perspect3
EDUC 2130Exploring Learning/Teaching3
MATH 2008Found of Numbers & Operations3
EDUC 2262Exploring Elementary Science3
HIST 2111United States History to 18773
or HIST 2112 United States Hist since 1877
Total Core IMPACTS and Field of Study Hours60
Professional Education
Teacher Candidates must maintain an Overall 2.7 GPA in the Professional Block Courses. 950 – 1000 hours of Field Experience required in Professional Education.
Summer I *9
Curriculum and Assessment
Children's Literature
Geometry for P-8 Teachers
Fall I11
Classroom Managment I
Teach Cont & Proc:Lang Arts Ed
Professional Sem Block I (includes a minimum of 150 hours field work.)
Teach Cont & Proc: Soc Stu Edu
Algebra for P-8 Teachers (Summer option may be available.)
Spring I11
Classroom Management II
Princ&Methods:Assess/Tch Math
Professional Seminar Block II (Block II/Para II)
Appl Ling for Teachers of ESOL
Learning to Read
Summer II9
Teaching Diverse Learners(ECE) (Summer II)
Methods of Teaching ESOL
Prob & Stat for P-8 Teachers
Fall II11
Classroom Management III
Prin&Mthd:Assess/Teach Math II
Teach Cont & Proc: Sci Educ
Professional Seminar Block III (Block III/Para III)
Reading to Learn 3-5
Spring II9
Teaching Internship (clinical practicum - minimum 550 hours of field work.)
Professional Seminar Block IV
Total Professional Education Hours60
Optional ESOL Endorsement *
ESOL 4242Culture and Education3
*Course should be taken with Summer I block if ESOL Endorsement is desired.