Organizational Leadership

Bachelor of Science

The online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership will focus on the practices, theories, issues, parameters, and specific ramifications of organizational leadership. The program is ideal not only for traditional students who wish to take advantage of online course delivery but also for working professionals, military members, transfer students and others seeking alternative routes to degree completion.

Students in the program must declare a concentration in one of the following areas:

  • Health Care Administration
  • Office Administration and Technology
  • Public Service Administration
  • Social Justice

Program Course Requirements

Click here to view Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements.

Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements42
NOTE: Core IMPACTS courses can also satisfy requirements in your Program of Study. Please review the requirements for your major to prevent taking extra courses. The USG Core IMPACTS curriculum, is designed to ensure that students acquire essential knowledge in foundational academic areas and develop career-ready competencies. There are seven Core IMPACTS areas. Students at all USG institutions must meet the Core IMPACTS requirements in all specified areas.
Field of Study: Major Related
(Up to 18 hours of approved 1000-2000 level transfer credits from the college curriculum may be accepted for Major Related.) **/***
ORGL 1100Leadership in Global Society3
ORGL 1500Profiles of Leaders3
ORGL 2100Writing for Leadership3
ORGL 2601Intro to Public Administration3
ORGL 2800Ethics and Leadership3
ORGL 2900Progr&Policy Eval for Leaders3
ORGL 2050Communication for the Wrkplce3
ORGL 3400Technology for Organizations3
POLS 4218Project Mgmt in Public Sector3
ENGL 3405Professional/Technical Writing3
POLS 4200Principles of Public Admin3
POLS 4219Public Human Resource Mgmt3
POLS 4204Public Finance3
ORGL 3200Organizational Development3
ORGL 3000Reflective Seminar I1
ORGL 3050Reflective Seminar II1
ORGL 4000Reflective Seminar III1
ORGL 4690Capstone Seminar3
NOTE: Concentration must be declared through the Registrar's Office.
Health Care Administration Concentration
Health Care Organizations
Health Care Economics
US Health Care Systems
Health Care Communication
Designing Health Comm Msgs
Health Care Compliance
Health Information Mgmt
Office Administration & Technology Concentration
Computer Operating Systems
Web Design & Multimedia
Desktop Publishing
Virtual Office Technology
Admin Office Procedures
Contemporary Skills
Public Service Administration Concentration
Public Policy
Political Science Methods II
Interorganizational Behavior
Modern Public Management
Mgmt Non-Profit Organizations
Grant Writing Non-Profit Organ
Administrative Law & Govt
Govt Organization & Adm Theory
Advanced Communication Skills
Professional Ethics
Social Justice Concentration
Intro. Social Justice
Politics in Social Justice
Social Justice Culture
Law and Social Justice
Soc. Justice Policy Analysis
Any degree level course chosen in conjunction with the advisor. These classes are to be directly applicable to the career or educational plans of the student. General electives can be used toward a minor if one is declared. Grade of C or better required. **/***18
Total Hours120

Students cannot use credit from both BIOL 1105K and ENVS 2202; BIOL 1011K and BIOL 1107K; BIOL 1012K and BIOL 1108K. 


BUSA 2201 (formerly MGIS 2201), CAPS 1101, and the formerly offered ACED 2400 are equivalent courses. No more than one may be counted toward degree completion.