Admission Committee Appeal Procedure

Admission Appeal Procedure

Applicants who have been dismissed from the last school of attendance shall have the right to appeal for admittance once they have satisfied the reinstatement stipulations of their last school.  Such applicants may appeal for admittance in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. The applicant shall submit a written appeal which outlines reasons for believing that their previous record will be improved if they are permitted to enroll. To access the Academic Appeals form go to: Forms - Dalton State College

  2. The Admission Appeal Committee shall review all facts and circumstances connected with the appeal.  If required, an interview with the Admission Appeal Committee may be necessary.

  3. The applicant shall be notified in writing within five days after the Admission Appeal Committee/Designated Enrollment Professional(s)' decision is made.

Applicants who admit to being convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic offense or applicants with criminal charges currently pending shall have the right to appeal for admittance in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. The applicant shall submit a background release authorization at Forms - Dalton State College and appeal in writing. If required, an interview with the Admission Appeal Committee may be necessary.

  2. The Admission Appeal Committee shall review all facts and circumstances connected with the appeal and shall make the decision which shall be final so far as the institution is concerned (Section 302.0303, BOR Policy Manual).

  3. The applicant shall be notified in writing within five days after the committee's decision is made.

To be considered for admission through the Admission Appeal Procedure, appeal files must be complete. The written appeal, transcripts from all schools, and all other supporting documents must be submitted by the respective deadline date.