Perspectives Program

Perspectives Program 

The Perspectives Program (PRSP) is an integral part of Dalton State College. The program assists students in their transition from high school to college. The goals are to engage students in critical thinking while arming them with academic skills necessary to be successful in both the academic and co-curricular portions of their lives. PRSP 10XX is required for all first time AA, AS, and Bachelor's degree-seeking students during their first semester at DSC. Transfer students with more than 29 credit hours choose from other electives in Area B. In addition, students will be required to integrate their learning into real-world situations. As part of the curriculum, students will enroll in a PRSP (Perspectives) course. Each School on campus will have a Perspectives seminar that helps students make the transition to college by introducing them to college level critical thinking and inquiry. These thematic seminars center around an area of interest, chosen by the faculty member, and engage students in critical thinking and integrative learning.

PSRP 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, and 1050 courses will utilize themes to engage students in exploring complex problems using both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to deepen student understanding of an array of issues relating to culture, society, creative expression, or the human experience according to the focus of Learning Outcome No. 2. Through the chosen themes, PRSP courses will explore not only current and contemporary issues but also enduring principles that have shaped academic disciplines for decades. This exploration will strengthen their understanding of these “big” questions. In addition, it will help to create the academic expectation that inquiry and exploration is a critical part of college level academics.