International Travel and Study Opportunities

Institutions of the University System of Georgia provide students with a multitude of opportunities to study abroad while earning academic credit toward completion of degree requirements at their home campuses. Study Abroad programs are coordinated through the Council on International Education of the Board of Regents. The program selections include summer study in France, England, Ireland, Spain, Russia, Italy, Mexico, China, and Japan. There are also many institutional based summer semester and academic year programs in many countries in which Dalton State students can participate, including semester and academic year programs in several countries in Europe.

Studying abroad enables students to gain a global perspective through experimental learning, increase their knowledge of a foreign language, provides them an opportunity to gain insights into and appreciation for the cultures and institutions of other people, and facilitates the development of relevant career skills. Furthermore, such experiences contribute to personal maturity and to the development of independence and confidence.

The International Education Coordinator at Dalton State College maintains information about a variety of opportunities for student study abroad and is available to counsel students on programs that would be compatible with their interests. The University System of Georgia publishes a catalog of student programs offered by all units of the System, while other colleges and international organizations furnish to Dalton State College information about other programs abroad.

Dalton State College participates directly in the planning and implementation of several summer programs in Europe, Mexico, and China. Dalton State College faculty members teach in those programs, and a number of Dalton State College students have participated in them, earning core curriculum credits while enjoying the sites and culture of the host countries. Students interested in exploring the possibilities for study abroad should contact the International Education Coordinator at Dalton State College.

Most of the University System programs are open to all regularly admitted undergraduate students in good academic standing, while some are designed primarily for graduate students. Students in the University System of Georgia who are eligible for financial aid may use that aid toward the System Study Abroad programs. A limited number of scholarships are available from various sources. Further information may be obtained from the International Education Coordinator or the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

For more information, please contact Dr. Fernando Garcia, the International Education Coordinator, or visit the DSC Study Abroad web site:


As you complete your degree, adding the International Certificate will demonstrate your commitment to knowing more about the world and the people of the world around you. The International Endorsement is available to all DSC students in any major and does not require any additional credit hours. Requirements include a combination of curriculum coursework, approved international activity, and your participation in the International Symposium or the annual international event hosted on campus.

Students who complete the International Certificate requirements and graduate from DSC will receive a line on their transcript indicating this distinction.

How do I earn the Certificate?

  1. Meet with the Coordinator of the Office of International Education (OIE) to be assigned to an International Endorsement Advisor.
  2. Enroll using the International Endorsement Application and Checklist.
  3. Complete one international activity: Study Abroad or Service Learning Project.
  4. Attend at least 3 international events approved by an International Endorsement advisor.
  5. Make a presentation on your international activity at the annual DSC Undergraduate Research Symposium or the annual international event hosted on campus as a capstone requirement.
  6. Complete 15 credit hours in courses with international content. A grade of C or better is required for each class.
  7. Notify your International Endorsement Advisor of your completion of the Endorsement requirements.
  8. Graduate from DSC.

International Activity

Students must complete one or more of the following international activities. Prior to beginning an activity, a student is required to meet with his or her International Endorsement Advisor for approval of the activity.

Activity Options:

Study Abroad

  1. Must be for academic credit.
  2. Courses completed in the study abroad program may be used to help satisfy the 15 credit hour course requirement for the Endorsement.

Service Learning Project

  1. A student must complete a minimum of 60 hours of volunteer service while being enrolled at Dalton State College.
  2. Service must be with an “international community.”
  3. Service can be either local or abroad.
  4. Student must provide written documentation from the volunteer organization verifying participation.

International Events

  1. Students must attend at least three international events approved by an International Endorsement advisor.
  2. These events may be on campus, local or abroad.
  3. For each event, students must submit a one-page typed response paper about what they learned.

Capstone Requirement

Annual DSC Undergraduate Research Symposium

A presentation based on your international activity will be given to the DSC community at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. An International Endorsement Advisor or the Coordinator of the Office of International Education must approve presentation materials; or

Annual DSC International Event on Campus

A presentation based on your study abroad experience will be given to the DSC community at the annual international event. An International Endorsement Advisor or the Coordinator of the Office of International Education must approve presentation materials.

Courses with International Content

Students will choose at least 15 credits from the following list of DSC courses or other approved courses. Any courses completed in a Study Abroad program will count toward fulfillment of this requirement. The courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to fulfill the requirement. Students may use a maximum of two courses from each discipline for this requirement. For example, you may use two HIST and/or two ENGL courses to go toward the 15 credit hours.

ANTH 1103Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ARTS 1100Art Appreciation3
BIOL 1105KEnvironmental Studies4
BUSA 3351International Business3
COMM 4425Intercultural Communication3
CRJU 3350Drugs in America3
ECON 3110International Trade3
EDUC 2110Investig Critical/Contem Issue3
EDUC 2120Expl Socio-Cultural Perspect3
EDUC 3214Expl Act in PE, Art & Music3
ENGL 2111World Literature I3
ENGL 2112World Literature II3
ENGL 2120British Literature I3
ENGL 2121British Literature II3
ENGL 3210Multi-ethnic American Lit3
ENGL 3235African-American Literature3
ENGL 3340Hispanic Lit in Translation3
ENGL 3350Latino/a Literature in English3
ENGL 3360Topics in Asian Literature3
ENGL 3400Renaissance Literature3
ENGL 3410Shakespeare3
ENGL 4130Restor&18th-cent. British Lit3
ENGL 4140British Romantic Literature3
ENGL 4150British Victorian Literature3
ENGL 4160Modern British Literature3
ENGL 4420Literature Non-Western World3
ESOL 4242Culture and Education3
FREN 1001Elementary French I3
FREN 1002Elementary French II3
FREN 2001Intermediate French I3
FREN 2002Intermediate French II3
GEOG 1101Intro to Human Geography3
HIST 1111World Civilization to 1500 CE3
HIST 1112World Civilization since 15003
HIST 3100History of Latin America3
HIST 3150History of Africa3
HIST 3160The African Diaspora3
HIST 3200Traditional China3
HIST 3210Modern China3
HIST 3300English History to 14853
HIST 3310Tudor-Stuart England3
HIST 3440Europe in the Middle Ages3
HIST 3460Renaissance and Reformation3
HIST 3520France: 1660-18153
HIST 3540Modern Russia3
HIST 3940Special Topics World History3
HUMN 1201Expressions of Culture I3
HUMN 1202Expressions of Culture II3
MUSC 1100Music Appreciation3
MUSC 1110World Music3
PHIL 1103Intro to World Religions3
POLS 2301Comparative Politics3
POLS 2401International Relations3
PSYC 3450Cross-Cultural Psychology3
READ 3251Children's Literature3
SOCI 3001Global Cultures and Societies3
SOCI 3100Sociology Latino Family/Cultur3
SPAN 1001Elementary Spanish I3
SPAN 1002Elementary Spanish II3
SPAN 2001Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 2034Spanish for Criminal Justice3
SPAN 3001Adv Conversation/Composition3
SPAN 3002Literary/Nonliterary Texts3