Appalachian Studies

A minor in Appalachian Studies includes 15 semester hours of coursework, including at least 9 hours of upper-division courses at the 3000-4000 level. At least two of the upper-division courses must be taken in residency at Dalton State College.  Courses taken to satisfy Core IMPACTS may not be counted toward completion of the minor. Courses taken in the Field of Study may sometimes be used to fulfill minor requirements.

Choose from the following courses.15
Special Topics Communication *
Topics in Literature & Culture *
Appalachian Literature
English Internship */**
Special Topics *
Research in English */***
Heritage Tourism
History of Appalachia
Special Topics in US History *
History Internship *
Political Ecology
Spec Top Envir. Sustainability *

Topics, Special Topics, Research, and Internship courses will count toward this minor only if the course has a strong emphasis on Appalachia. These courses will be assessed on a course-by-course basis.


ENGL 4700 may be taken upon recommendation of an English faculty member.


ENGL 4960 may be taken for 1-3 credit hours if approved course content.


ENGL pre-requisites are waived for non-English majors. HIST pre-requisites are waived for non-History majors. SUST pre-requisites are waived for non-Sustainability majors.